Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fighting some WoW Legends

People tell me to go fight higher level mobs if I wanted a challenge. So that's what I did.

I also tried out vimeo as an alternative to youtube. The video itself is just a 16 minute run of the last dungeon of the Scarlet Monastery. Oh - and I let my tank die, because he wants to fight mobs, while I am busy killing a boss. Or so ..
The dungeon run itself is rather typical nowadays. So if you think about giving the WoW leveling game another try. This is what awaits you.

Here you can actually download the original version that I uploaded. If you are interested in the difference.

I returned to 720p and played around with some of the more mystical options of the encoder. Tell me if it helped ;)


  1. These DF-backed dungeon runs look silly. They are like mindless zergs. I'm speechless.

    I still live somewhere in the early TBC era. Now I realise how utterly obsolete my mindset is.

  2. I still live somewhere in the early TBC era. Now I realise how utterly obsolete my mindset is.

    As it should be.

  3. Hahahah. Brilliant job with the new video!

    Haven't played WoW in ages, ever since I realized it was never intended to be a full blown MMORPG, but rather a simple raiding game that uses light MMORPG trappings to catch players to get involved in it.

    Oh how the mighty has fallen. (;
